I'm Back... WITH PHOTOS!!!
Okay so last Saturday I was allowed to shoot Black Oxygen and Josephine Collective (their final show). It was a grand old time being on stage and all. The only down side is how much my legs hurt from shooting which thoroughly confused me! They still hurt today and today is tuesday... so for the show I used two different styles of shooting for each band. For Black Oxygen I set up two SB-600 with radio poppers (which I recently purchased from the money I got from selling my 150-500) on each side of the stage and used a 15mm 2.8 to shoot with. Each flash was set to half power and my ISO was set to 1000. My shutter speed was set to roughly 40th of a second and my f/ stop accordingly depending on how far my subject matter was from the a given flash on a side of the stage. Since I have never shot a show before I had no idea how this word turn out which is why I used on Black Oxygen, because I can always shoot them again. I was hoping that this style would created a less consistent, but less cliche photo for them. It did. As for Josephine collective I went the traditional route and used the old: fisheye, low shutter speed, directly flash, and half exposed ambient. This is because I knew I could never shoot them again so I went the very consistent and pretty presentable route. So yeah I posted on of Black Oxygen at the top and Josephine Collective at the bottom. Hope you enjoy them the rest are at my flikr.
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